Leslie Leyland Fields

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The Top-Five Most-Read and Most-Shared Posts of 2015

Where are you, friend?? Have you already plunged, lunged, shot, catapulted, hopped, raced, limped, crawled, leaped into the New Year? Yes, all of these are true for me as well. I am back East visiting my family and already living into the new year-------but Wait!! Just a few minutes, at least. Can we look back and remember some of the places we've been the past 365 days?  Here are a few of the posts this year that have been most meaningful to readers--and to me as a writer.  And you know, I hope, how VERY grateful and glad I am for every one of you. You enrich my life with your thoughts, your presence, your prayers, and I hope I can do the same for you!!  

Because I am enjoying time with my family, I am NOT providing enticing leads into each post, but do take a dip into a few of these . . .

Why I Feel Sorry for Men and Why Gender is Not Enough




Leaving Kodiak: Living a One-Fisted Life

*Becoming a Man




*Kodiak’s wrecked beach: How We can Carry The Wreckage 





 10 reasons you can’t forgive your father and one reason you can


Did any of these entice you to look backward?? Then let's move forward and visit my dear friend G. K. Chesterton again as he says,

The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.


Let us then resolve----to start afresh, armed now with the wisdom and memories and joys and pains of the last year. Now, so equipped, we forge ahead, Lead On through 2016, O Christ Eternal!
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_newyears.html#yztKciGpj5xKIPic.99