Leslie Leyland Fields

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Peace is Hard, but War is Harder


 I unfollowed someone on Instagram this morning. She posted a photo of her political candidate who just won the local election. She was gleeful at how this just-elected woman was going to stick it to the other side, the enemy side. The photo showed the new official proudly cradling a semi-automatic weapon. She went on to say more. I heard contempt in her words. Maybe even hate. (Her bio says she’s a Christian.) 

Then, there are times when Anger goes personal. A fist curled around a rock with your name on it is raised and hurled through your window. Sometimes you don’t even know why. Maybe you posted the wrong picture? Maybe you spoke a little too freely? And though you have spent more than your whole life trying to love the rock-throwers, their stones keep pelting your house.

I don’t want to live here anymore. I’ve had to stop talking to certain people. (You too, right?) I can’t do those calls and conversations anymore, where entire groups of people, far and next door and out on the street are evil because they wear masks or they don’t. Where you and I become Us and Them and Over There is Right and you’re always Wrong and now no one is at home in this strange violent land anymore . . .


We’re ALL living in this new ugly country.   I know you are too. In these daily storms, peace is too hard. Peace feels impossible. Love does not bridge every chasm. My own love wears out. It is not returned. My peacemaking is misjudged and maligned. I want to give up on loving my neighbors. I don’t want to love the ones who think I am their enemy. I want to give up.


I have considered it. But surely war is harder. Surely hate is harder?! If we know God, look how hard we will have to work at this!

How unrelentingly tight we must shut your eyes to the image of God in others!

How much Truth we must suppress to give in to fear!

How vigilant we must be to guard your heart against compassion! 

How tiring to believe every conspiracy and accusation! 

How deaf we must be to the voices and laughter of babies and children! 

How hard to shield our soul against the stirring of the Spirit! 

How loudly we must shout to drown the whisper of mercy!

How ruthlessly we must pirate every grace and kindness of God to claim as our due! 

And all those people we’ve locked into boxes, how all-consuming to keep them in that prison!


I have not the strength to do this. Do you?


How do we keep on loving in the midst of such conflict then? How do we keep pursuing peace? Here, these women and men remind me.

If you too are tired, rest for these moments and remember with me what Love can do. And where it comes from. 


With the love of God in our hearts, we can do this. We can live as the Apostle Paul calls us to live:

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

 May it be so!!


Dear Friends, Can we help each other?? Would you share one way that you’re living this out: “maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”?