God Answers My Valentine Whines
Will you get a Valentine this week? Yes!! Here it is! It's fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, flavor-free, organic-free, and calorie-free----and, it's free!!
(I'm making this lovely chocolate mess for my honeys tonight--except it will be frozen, with ice cream in the middle. Definitely calorie-free!)
And here's another valentine, actually 10 valentines, but this one costs just a little bit. It cost me some honesty this morning. It was a small price to pay though, because God wrote back. I found his answer in the book of Valentines He's already given us.
Dear God, where is your peace? I have no control over anything in my world, not even my own anxiety.
I will hold you in perfect peace if you fix your mind on me. Don’t be anxious for anything, dear one. Pass it on to me in prayer and with gratitude. If you love my law you will have great peace, and nothing will cause you to stumble.
Lord, I am afraid; every morning the news delivers turmoil and uncertainty. Where do I run?
"Listen, beloved. I shall cover you with my feathers, and under my wings you will take refuge; My truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon. My right hand will save you.”
Father, I am faulty, imperfect, so quick to mess up, to do my own thing.
I know. But I am perfect; and I give my perfection to you, through my son. You stand before me and I see only your beauty. I see you faultless, blameless, pure, righteous.
Jesus, I am uncertain where to stand, where to go, who to be with, how to plan.
I shall direct your paths, daughter, if you trust in me with all your heart. Don’t trust in your own understanding. Acknowledge me in everything you do, and I will lead you saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.”
Lord, I am lonely. Does anyone see me? Does anyone understand?
I see you, daughter. I know you, son. I see your comings and goings, when you sit down and stand up. I know you entirely. Every one of your days is written in my book. I am your Maker, even your husband. The Lord of Hosts is my name.
God, I am so needy, just a whirlpool of unfulfilled hungers and vacancies.
I will supply all that you need, precious one. I did not spare my own son, but gave him up for you. Shall I not also freely give you grace and glory? No good thing will I withhold from you as you walk my paths.
I am trapped, addicted, imprisoned and I don’t know the way out.
I have come just for this, to let the captives free. If I free you, you are free indeed. You’re a new creature, child, and because of Christ Jesus, there is no longer any condemnation! But you must walk and live not by the flesh, as if you were still in prison, but by the Spirit. Look! All things are new!
Father, I don’t spend enough time with you. I’m sorry.
And I never leave you. I am with you always, in all that you do. Whether eating or drinking or walking on the road, you are always in the palm of my hand. I will never let you go.
I am tired, dragging my daily cross. It’s too much for me to bear.
I have given you my cross, my yoke, but you are not carrying mine; you are carrying your own, dear one. My yoke is lighter, my burden easier than yours. Come follow after me, do not be afraid.
I don’t feel loved or worthy of love.
Ah, my beloved! I loved you before you were born. I chose you before the earth was made. I have wanted you and loved you always. Nothing can separate you from my love, not heights nor depths, neither demons nor angels, neither fears nor worries; nothing in all of creation can separate you from my love.
Not even you.
SO much more was written, but these words will fill this day. Until tomorrow, when I will need to feast again. To you, my dear friends, happy week of love!