Leslie Leyland Fields

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Ann Voskamp & I: How Do We Fix a Broken Nation, a Broken Self?

What a winter we are having! In our Kodiak storms, I sit over the ocean, watching the water surge against the rocks. On the one or two days a week that we get sun, I run around panicking that I’m going to miss an ounce of the sun! My camera always goes with me. Here’s a bold bald eagle who didn’t want to share the beach with me this week on one of those stunning clear days . .. Reminding me again that

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” – Albert Einstein

And we in the U.S. have a new administration. Yes, we’ll oppose and disagree with many policies and decisions. Of course. And we should make our voices heard. That’s the blessing of Democracy. But I hope we’ll never forget who we are as people, as Christians. We don’t seem able to tolerate difference well these days, let alone “love our enemy.” Remember the hymn we used to sing years ago? “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love …. And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”

I hope we can be known by our love, no matter our differences . . .

I don’t know how to fix our nation, but Ann and I have some words to share about us, about what to do with the pieces of our cracked hearts, our lost dreams, our imperfect lives. If we ourselves don’t have hope, and if there is no way for us to heal individually, then our nation is surely doomed.

I make my first public confession of a secret addiction (what I do when I’m really down . . .. It’s kinda pathetic. Worse than I admit here on camera . . .) And one more disclaimer: if you’re a Walmart employee or fan—-no insult intended!

(Quick note: Most of you know who Ann Voskamp is, this amazing fearless woman God has raised up as a voice for truth and compassion. Every book has been a NYTimes bestseller. She speaks all over the world. I was honored to have her as a guest at my Harvester Island Wilderness Workshop. But never mind all that. Listen to this woman whose heart is truly after God.

Does anything here resonate with where you are right now? And——-how may I pray for you?

With love and always with hope,


May I make an offer here? I have one more online class I’m offering this winter/spring. Maybe this is the time to write and pass on your remarkable story? (I have a special discount for all of you, my kind readers: For this 9 week live and recorded class, 25% off. (Instead of $149, $111.) The code is email25.
