Come Watch the 2 Week old Bald Eaglet! (And Early Bird Special)

I’m on Harvester Island now, immersed in my other life, the other world. It’s my 44th summer out here. (Can it be true?)

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After 43 summers out here, I have come to this one vowing to not be dull, blind, deaf, weary or bored. It can happen to the best people who live in the best places——an island in Alaska, an apartment in Queen Anne, a ranch in Galveston near the beach, a mountain cabin in Missoula, a townhouse in Pittsburg, Yes, creation shines like shook foil all around us no matter where we lay our heads, but who can keep watching? Can keep listening?

Us, I hope. We must push against our weary flesh and heavy eyes and try. Annie Dillard wrote,

“Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will sense them. The least we can do is try to be there . . . so that creation need not play to an empty house.”

Life is whirling and humming and exploding and whispering all around us on the stage of our backyards. Can we at least fill the seats, watch and applaud occasionally?

So this is my summer of Listening. And applause. And I must share it with you, because wonder stifled and swallowed alone makes us feel oh so alone . …

This week, here it is. The best piece of creation I can offer you, the one that leaves me breathless: the baby eaglet. Two weeks old, I think. Which means the eagles are back to their nest! (I thought it abandoned last summer. I am sure the eaglet there was taken by a land otter . . .. I do not know for sure.). I only know the eagles returned to their nest and now——the little one is there. And, still miraculous to me, I get to watch her from the ground above. . . (and so do you!)

And one more moment out on the water in a kayak. (Oh the peace of it! )

Would you pass on as well the beauty and grace on stage in your back field and waters?

And—-help me name this baby! I almost named her Patsy . . but you’ll have better names I know. So in the comments below—-Let’s name this bird!!


One more thing? And here’s the “Early Bird” part.

I know many of you can’t make it to my island, but maybe you can get to Wisconsin? I’m holding a “Your Story Matters Retreat” on the beautiful shores of Green Lake! Oct. 14 - 17. We’ll gather beside the lake at the height of the Fall colors. What are we doing? Learning how to write our story. Getting the heart of our lives, the heart of our heart—-on the page! For our children, our grand children. For US. (for YOU.) I cannot tell you how many lives this has changed.

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There are SO many reasons your story matters!! Here are just a few:

What if you’ve never written before? PERFECT! I will show you how.

And right now, we’ve got an early-bird special going on: $100 off.

I hope I see you there! It’s going to be a BLAST! We have SO much planned for you!

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(Dancing not necessarily included or required.) Just a bunch of other FUN stuff! ANd don’t forget to help me name the bird!


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